Radiographic Testing [RT]
Radiographic Testing is a technique that uses Gamma- or X-radiation on materials to identify imperfections within welds or other metallic materials.

Radiographic Testing directs radiation, from a radioactive isotope or an X-ray generator, through the material being tested and onto a film or a kind of radiation detector. The readings from the detector create a shadowgraph, which reveals the underlying aspects of the inspected material.
Radiographic Testing can uncover aspects of a material that can be hard to detect with the naked eye, such as alterations to its density.
There are numerous benefits such as:
- Allows for volumetric inspection
- Provides a permanent record of the inspection
- A good Quality Control method
- Can inspect assembled components
- Automatically detects and measures internal flaws in complex structures
- Isolates and inspects internal components
- Measures dimensions and angles within the sample without sectioning
- Sensitive to changes in thickness, corrosion, flaws and material density changes
- Minimum surface preparation required
- Equipment can be bulky, heavy and expensive
- Radiation hazards
- Testing area needs to be of ‘controlled access’
- Testing process is relatively time consuming
- Access may be required to both sides of the object
- May not detect critical flaws
- Results require interpreting by an experienced person
- Gamma- results are inferior to X-ray results
- Not suitable for certain configurations e.g. tee-joint
Radiographic Testing [RT] can be used on most materials and product forms, e.g. welds, castings, composites etc. Radiographic Testing provides a permanent record in the form of a radiograph and provides a highly sensitive image of the internal structure of the material.

Because of its high dependability, Newtron radiographic testing services are widely used in the oil & gas, transport, military, automotive, manufacturing, marine and power generation industries.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO 4993 Steel and iron castings – Radiographic inspection
ISO 5579 Non-destructive testing – Radiographic examination of metallic materials by X- and gamma-rays – Basic rules
ISO 10675-1 Non-destructive testing of welds – Acceptance levels for radiographic testing – Part 1: Steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys
ISO 11699-1 Non-destructive testing – Industrial radiographic films – Part 1: Classification of film systems for industrial radiography
ISO 11699-2 Non-destructive testing – Industrial radiographic films – Part 2: Control of film processing by means of reference values
ISO 14096-1 Non-destructive testing – Qualification of radiographic film digitisation systems – Part 1: Definitions, quantitative measurements of image quality parameters, standard reference film and qualitative control
ISO 14096-2 Non-destructive testing – Qualification of radiographic film digitisation systems – Part 2: Minimum requirements
ISO 17636-1 Non-destructive testing of welds. Radiographic testing. X- and gamma-ray techniques with film
ISO 17636-2 Non-destructive testing of welds. Radiographic testing. X- and gamma-ray techniques with digital detectors
ISO 19232 Non-destructive testing – Image quality of radiographs
European Committee for Standardization (CEN)
EN 444 Non-destructive testing; general principles for the radiographic examination of metallic materials using X-rays and gamma-rays
EN 462-1 Non-destructive testing – image quality of radiographs – Part 1: Image quality indicators (wire type) – determination of image quality value
EN 462-2 Non-destructive testing – image quality of radiographs – Part 2: image quality indicators (step/hole type) determination of image quality value
EN 462-3 Non-destructive testing – Image quality of radiogrammes – Part 3: Image quality classes for ferrous metals
EN 462-4 Non-destructive testing – Image quality of radiographs – Part 4: Experimental evaluation of image quality values and image quality tables
EN 462-5 Non-destructive testing – Image quality of radiographs – Part 5: Image quality of indicators (duplex wire type), determination of image unsharpness value
EN 584-1 Non-destructive testing – Industrial radiographic film – Part 1: Classification of film systems for industrial radiography
EN 584-2 Non-destructive testing – Industrial radiographic film – Part 2: Control of film processing by means of reference values
EN 1330-3 Non-destructive testing – Terminology – Part 3: Terms used in industrial radiographic testing
EN 2002–21 Aerospace series – Metallic materials; test methods – Part 21: Radiographic testing of castings
EN 10246-10 Non-destructive testing of steel tubes – Part 10: Radiographic testing of the weld seam of automatic fusion arc welded steel tubes for the detection of imperfections
EN 12517-1 Non-destructive testing of welds – Part 1: Evaluation of welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys by radiography – Acceptance levels
EN 12517-2 Non-destructive testing of welds – Part 2: Evaluation of welded joints in aluminium and its alloys by radiography – Acceptance levels
EN 12679 Non-destructive testing – Determination of the size of industrial radiographic sources – Radiographic method
EN 12681 Founding – Radiographic examination
EN 13068 Non-destructive testing – Radioscopic testing
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
ASTM E 94 Standard Guide for Radiographic Examination
ASTM E 155 Standard Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Castings
ASTM E 592 Standard Guide to Obtainable ASTM Equivalent Penetrameter Sensitivity for Radiography of Steel Plates 1/4 to 2 in. [6 to 51 mm] Thick with X Rays and 1 to 6 in. [25 to 152 mm] Thick with Cobalt-60
ASTM E 747 Standard Practice for Design, Manufacture and Material Grouping Classification of Wire Image Quality Indicators (IQI) Used for Radiology
ASTM E 801 Standard Practice for Controlling Quality of Radiological Examination of Electronic Devices
ASTM E 1030 Standard Test Method for Radiographic Examination of Metallic Castings
ASTM E 1032 Standard Test Method for Radiographic Examination of Weldments
ASTM 1161 Standard Practice for Radiologic Examination of Semiconductors and Electronic Components
ASTM E 1648 Standard Reference Radiographs for Examination of Aluminum Fusion Welds
ASTM E 1735 Standard Test Method for Determining Relative Image Quality of Industrial Radiographic Film Exposed to X-Radiation from 4 to 25 MeV
ASTM E 1815 Standard Test Method for Classification of Film Systems for Industrial Radiography
ASTM E 1817 Standard Practice for Controlling Quality of Radiological Examination by Using Representative Quality Indicators (RQIs)
ASTM E 2104 Standard Practice for Radiographic Examination of Advanced Aero and Turbine Materials and Component
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section V
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